My name is Jacob Pineiro, an eleventh grade student attending Fort Lauderdale High School. I have been interested in the film industry for quite some time now, and this is one of the reasons I enrolled in the AICE Media Studies class. While I do not intend to pursue a career in this industry, I have always found the film industry interesting for a few reasons. One of them being that, contrary to popular belief, editing and scene selection takes quite some time, and the "filming" process is not the entire production process. To me, film and media take an important role in everyday life. More important than most people think. To understand this more, I took AICE Media Studies. So far, in the class we have produced two projects, one a commercial, and one a music video. These have been the most academic experiences with film I've had, and I have learned many things about the production process. In this project, I hope to have the same experience. Although the knowledge I learn from this project will likely not be applied much in the future, I am still excited to engage in the production process. This will be the longest media production, so what that means to me is a greater expression of creativity. I will have more time in order to put my vision into the project, and this is what interests me the most. Specifically, I want to find out how my vision will transfer into the actual film, and how it can be lost in translation through the filming process. This will allow me to find out how to transfer my ideas into fruition. Again, it is not likely that this project and its knowledge given will help me in the future, but nonetheless it interests me. The progress of this project will be recorded on a series of blogs. These blogs will be a great way for me to see my journey as a whole. I cannot wait to embark on this project journey, and I am so excited to get started.
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