Genre Research: Run
"Run" is a movie that features a disabled teenage girl, running from her mother who kept her in isolation. This movie uses soft and low lighting, setting a dark, uninviting setting. It is common for thriller movies to have these things, due to their ability to drown out any form of happiness and make the scenes of the film unsettling. It is most noticeable by the audience because colors will be desaturated, environments will be dark, and shadows will carry a crucial part of the scene. I plan to use these features in my opening sequence, as it will help the audience ensure that this is indeed a thriller film. Also, with the premise of a loud noise, possibly a monster, occurring in the early scenes of the movie, my hope of creating an ideal environment for this premise will be accomplished by this camera work. Although I do not particularly like low lighting and desaturated colors, due to its foreboding presence, there are a few conventions of "Run" that I do enjoy. One of them being its acting. It plays an integral part of the movie, and the actors of this movie carry its plot in an astounding manner. In order to "sell" the idea of them being scared, curious, or any other emotions used, the actors must ensure to their utmost ability that those emotions are being displayed in a realistic sense. In addition to this, the soundtrack of the movie specifically emphasizes the actions being carried out on-screen. When the mother is chasing after her daughter, and her daughter is hiding from her, tense foreboding music is used in order to build up the suspense. The suspense is an important element of thriller, so music is crucial to its rise. The way that synthesizer pulses and the violins screech made me feel like I was in that scenario. It is these part of thriller movies that I enjoy so much. Their tense moments that make me feel like the character, and when that conflict's tension reaches its end, are the best part of thrillers for me. In this film, these parts are executed wonderfully. However, as much as these parts of the movie are great for me, there are some parts I could have done without. In the film, the main character's attempted escape hits many slow parts, and these parts of the movie can make the audience feel like the plot is slowing down. When making this film, it seems as if the goal of making the manipulating the audience's emotions was lost at times.
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