The Filming Process

Yesterday was my first day filming. As I have not filmed since the last project, there were many unexpected miscalculations. Since it was the first day filming, the plan was to only film a few scenes, then see what I needed afterwards. For the filming process, I had to use the help of my participant, Eva Lopez. When we went to the first filming location, the first problem had shown itself. The first filming location was the staircase, and this was due to it being the first scene without an actor involved besides me. When started to film, there were bees that had made a hive in the stairwell. While I thought this would not be a problem, it proved to be a hazard to me and my participant. On the floor that I had planned to film on, the bees had started to swarm. With the large number of bees that were present, I had decided to film at a later date and research a different stairwell location. With a new scene in mind, me and my participant left the filming location. The next filming location was the office building. It had proved to be a perfect filming location, with no people present, and good lighting. However, there was an environmental challenge: the wind. There was no trouble filming the establishing shot, but the high angle shot had to display the termination paper, and this required to paper to be still. The wind had started ruffling the paper, and this made it difficult to hold it still. With a different hand placement, the wind did not disturb the paper too much. With this, the last scene for the day was ready to be filmed. This scene went entirely according to plan, with the exception that I have added another participant to the production. The scene was filmed with the intention of non-diegetic sound being added in later. This was revised, and an actor was used to on the other side of the phone to read their line.


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