
Showing posts from March, 2022

The Conclusion to Filming

  Today was the last day filming for the opening sequence. In general, I'd say that this day filming was the easiest out of the three days, with little difficulty regarding acting, location, etc. To be fair, the only scenes left to film today were at my house. Therefore, today's filming session did not take as much effort as the other days. With environmental troubles such as people, wind, noise, and, as my project experience has proven, even bees, filming outside can prove difficult. It may be such environmental situations that cause discrepancies like acting issues. In fact, the filming session of today had no problems on my end regarding acting, so this very well may be the case. The actors for today (the runner and the boss) did an amazing job, with everything getting done on the first take, and creating some great quality film. In addition to this, my camerawoman had done a perfect job of keeping the camera and angle as stable as possible. Later in the film review, I can m...

Another Filming Process

Today was the second day filming. As the day started, in the afternoon, the plan was to get the rest of the opening sequence filmed today. As the day went on, interruptions were faced again, and filming had to be limited. The film acquired today was the staircase scene, and the scene with the actor holding the keys. The main problem faced during this filming session was the staircase location. During this filming session, there were no bees, so the environmental hazards were gone. The issue was solved by moving to the opposite side of the parking garage, where there is a previously unknown staircase. This staircase was free of bees, and this was used to my advantage by using the staircase to its full extent. The other side of the parking garage may not be infested anymore, however for my purposes, I had just used the other staircase. This scene was difficult to film, due to the foot traffic of the staircase, and the difficulty acting out and reading the lines. It was difficult to film ...

Overcast Ruined the Plans

  Today was supposed to be the second and last day of filming. As a running theme with this project, the schedule has been delayed again. When getting ready to shoot today, I had noticed some strange weather. While it was supposed to be sunny in Florida today, that was not the case. As previously shot on a different day, the weather must be the same and so must the setting. To be fair, the production does have some parts that are indoors, parts that do not rely on the setting. However, I had wanted to film these parts last for a couple reasons. One being that the actor in the film should look rugged and unkept by the time that the opening sequence reaches its end. The other being that we must look at the times of the shots. Since the opening sequence must be under two minutes, it would be desirable to plan out the shots in chronological order and time the next shot accordingly. For this reason, the schedule had to be changed yet again. Not to worry though, as stated before, this sc...

The Filming Process

Yesterday was my first day filming. As I have not filmed since the last project, there were many unexpected miscalculations. Since it was the first day filming, the plan was to only film a few scenes, then see what I needed afterwards. For the filming process, I had to use the help of my participant, Eva Lopez. When we went to the first filming location, the first problem had shown itself. The first filming location was the staircase, and this was due to it being the first scene without an actor involved besides me. When started to film, there were bees that had made a hive in the stairwell. While I thought this would not be a problem, it proved to be a hazard to me and my participant. On the floor that I had planned to film on, the bees had started to swarm. With the large number of bees that were present, I had decided to film at a later date and research a different stairwell location. With a new scene in mind, me and my participant left the filming location. The next filming locati...

Music Design

Since the schedule of last week has been delayed, the other parts of production that can be done without participants are now being accomplished this week. One of those parts of production is music. To be clear, my music choice had been selected from the start of the project. However, I did expect for there to be some issues with music choice, especially when it came to scene 4, when the sad music starts. My choice for all the music in this opening sequence was going to come from "insaneintherainmusic." When getting started on the music design, however, there were some issues concerning copyright and whether his music would fit the theme of my opening sequence. First of all, "insaneintherainmusic" makes covers of real video game soundtracks, which are technically the property of another company. In general, these video game companies do not strike against cover artists, however it is still their property. Since there may be some ambiguity in the area of copyright, I...

Unexpected Interruptions

   This week, I was supposed to film, according to my schedule, my entire project. However, there were some unexpected schedule changes in my week. For personal reasons, such as homework and extracurricular activities, my project had to be postponed. It was for this very reason that I designed the schedule will room for error integrated into it. While it was not for the reasons I expected, the project has still been delayed. In addition to a delay on my end, I will also have to inform any participants that are involved in my project that there will be schedule changes. My participants are at a relatively small number, so this should not pose a problem. Still, more work on time management and coordination will have to be executed in the future. While the project's schedule has been pushed back, there is still an upside to this. Now looking back at my project and its storyboard there may be things that I would like to change. For example, in the storyboard of the project, the li...


  Sheet one: The first sheet describes the first and second scenes, with dialogue included. It first displays an over-the-shoulder shot, with the dialogue between the worker and the boss, "It's just not work." This is followed by the boss handing the worker the termination paper, firing the worker. The end of scene one shows the worker standing by himself in the room, with his head down. This is when the title card, "E&J Studio Presents," will be shown in the space to the right of the character. The camera will then cut to scene 2, an empty stairway. This stairway is outside, as displayed by the sun. The actor will then be shown on the staircase, in a high angle. The following dialogue is, "'s due in three days." The actor is then shown on the staircase covering his face. This will be a medium shot, with the title card, "A MiBo Production" on the stairs. Sheet two: The second sheet will present the third and fourth scenes, wi...