The Conclusion to Filming
Today was the last day filming for the opening sequence. In general, I'd say that this day filming was the easiest out of the three days, with little difficulty regarding acting, location, etc. To be fair, the only scenes left to film today were at my house. Therefore, today's filming session did not take as much effort as the other days. With environmental troubles such as people, wind, noise, and, as my project experience has proven, even bees, filming outside can prove difficult. It may be such environmental situations that cause discrepancies like acting issues. In fact, the filming session of today had no problems on my end regarding acting, so this very well may be the case. The actors for today (the runner and the boss) did an amazing job, with everything getting done on the first take, and creating some great quality film. In addition to this, my camerawoman had done a perfect job of keeping the camera and angle as stable as possible. Later in the film review, I can m...